Featured Pool Lifts Products
Innovative solutions for the elimination of architectural barriers in the SWIMMING POOL and VEHICLE TRANSPORTATION sectors,
with high-quality products and technology, entirely designed
and manufactured in Italy and USA
Remain Independent
With our pool lifts range, you can stay independent and reduces the risk of having injury while on the pool. No underwater installation is necessary. Most of our pool lifts products are portable.
Simple & Easy To Install
Individually engineered to suit your pool and your needs
A perfect solution for swimming pools in schools, training centres or at home.
Installing is easy, after use it can be stored away.
Featured Pool Lift Video
Improved autonomy and capacity up to 150 kg. Maximum safety degree thanks to its 8 safety levels.
All these features make PandaPool the universal reference in the pool lift field.
Trial this 20 sec pool-lift finder
For those who are worried about making an expensive purchase without knowing which is best for their needs, we have created this
1-minute walkthrough of our Pool Lift Finder experience in order to help make things easier!